- Political Science
- Political theory
- Political philosophy
- Political systems
- Policy analysis
- Policy studies
- Public policy
- Public administration
- Ideology
- Game theory
- Political economy
- Geopolitics and political geography
- Policy studies and public policy analysis
- Comparative politics
- National systems
- Courts and Judicial Politics
- Democratic Innovations
- Green Politics
- Cross-national political analysis
- Supranational and intergovernmental politics
- Political development
- Foreign policy analysis
- Analytical Politics
- Intelligence Governance
- Peace studies, conflict analysis, international law and politics, public administration and local government studies
- Political psychology, bureaucratic, administrative and judicial behaviour
- Legislative processes and public law
- Political Methodology
- Interdisciplinary Perspective on Violence and Politics
- Internet and Politics
- Political Communication
- Sociology
- Sociology of Culture & Cultural Studies
- Criminology, Sociology of Law, Sociology of Punishment, Deviance
- Economic sociology
- Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Disaster & Human Ecology
- Sociology of Education
- Sociology of the Family, Sociology of Childhood, Sociology of Gender, Feminist Sociology, Queer Theory
- Sociology of Health and Illness, Medical Sociology
- Sociology of the Internet
- Sociology of Knowledge and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
- Media Studies
- Military Sociology
- Political sociology
- Sociology of Race and ethnic relations, Sociology of Immigration
- Religion
- Social networks
- Social psychology
- Social Stratification, Social Mobility, Social Class
- Urban and rural sociology
- Industrial Sociology
- International Relations
- Globalization
- Global Governance
- International Political Economy
- state sovereignty
- Ecological
- Sustainability
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nationalism
- Economic Development
- Global Finance
- Crisis and Global Change
- Change and Order in World Politics
- Managing Global Capitalism
- International Terrorism
- Territorial Conflicts
- International Security
- International Law
- Political Theory and International Justice
- Principles and Practice of International Ethics
- New trends in foreign policy analysis
- Paper Submission (Full Paper)09th Jul, 2025
- Final Authors' Registration16th Jul, 2025
- Conference Dates
31st -
Jul, 2025