- Social Psychology and Social Psychiatry
- Community Action and Public Policy
- Community and community action at the crossroads of the local and global
- Community and sense of community
- Community development and empowerment
- Diversity theoretical, methodological and evaluative research and community action
- Ethical and value aspects of action and community role
- Health Psychology
- Interdisciplinary social work and community work
- Media Psychology
- Mental Health and Counseling
- Organization Behavior and Management
- Positive Psychology
- Psychology and Development
- Psycho-social issues
- Recent Trends in Psychology
- Sports Psychology
- Visible and invisible violence
- Aging
- Ambient awareness
- Anti-vaccination
- Black Lives Matter
- Caring or Research for the Elderly
- Child Research
- Class
- Cliques
- Conflict theory
- Consumerism
- Counter-cultures
- Cults
- Cultural appropriation
- Cultural assimilation
- Equal pay
- Ethic in Society/Online Society
- Ethnicity
- Family issues
- Family Research
- Fandom
- Fashion trends
- Flocking behavior
- Gender Issues
- Globalization Impacts
- Mass Media
- Nationality
- Occupy movement
- Online dating
- Online Society/Online Community
- Patriotism
- Police brutality
- Poverty gap
- Protest
- Social media activism
- Social Policy and Social Legislation
- Social Psychology
- Social Research or Social Science
- Social stratification
- Social Works in Modern Society
- Spirituality and religion
- Stereotypes
- Sub-cultures
- Superstitions
- Technology/Criminology in Society
- Twitter
- Work place
- Youth culture
- Anthropology
- History and Geography
- Human Geography
- Linguistics
- Literature and Poetry
- Museums & heritage
- Music and Art
- Philosophy
- Regional Studies
- Religious studies
- Paper Submission (Full Paper)14th Apr, 2025
- Final Authors' Registration21st Apr, 2025
- Conference Dates
06th -
May, 2025