Developmental Disabilities

  • Childhood and disability
  • Family support for children with disabilities
  • Adolescence, youth and disability
  • Challenges and Prospects
  • Chronic Conditions in Childhood

  • Early interventions for chronic conditions in childhood
  • Managing and coping with childhood chronic diseases
  • Nutrition in mental health
  • Impact of poverty on child health
  • Education and Learning Disabilities

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Austin spectrum disorders
  • Helping children with learning disabilities
  • Violence and Mental Health

  • Domestic violence, abuse, and maltreatment
  • Violence and women health
  • Violence prevention
  • Aging and Disability

  • Aging and well-being
  • Disability education
  • Disabilities and Rehabilitation
  • Mental health care for elderly
  • Healthy aging and spirituality
  • Community health and Disability Service

  • Health Education and health promotion
  • Health Planning and management
  • Disability and rehabilitation
  • Effectiveness of community based rehabilitation
  • Technology and disability

  • Innovations, R&D in healthcare
  • Bionics, Artificial Muscles, Robotics and artificial Intelligence
  • Psychological, Social and Cultural Aspects of Disability

  • Disability and mental health
  • Disability and culture
  • Cultural and family attitudes about disabilities
  • Social and cultural issues related to disability
  • Affordability of mental health care services
  • Disability and Employment

  • Opportunities and facilities for employees with disabilities
  • Health and safety of employees with disabilities
  • Disability and economics
  • Services for employees with disabilities
  • Ethics, Human Rights and Policy

  • Rights for persons with disabilities
  • Ethical Issues
  • National policy on disability
  • Disability, Diversity and Rehabilitation

  • Occupational therapy and disability management
  • Addiction and rehabilitation
  • Social work in disability and rehabilitation
  • Disability and disasters/emergency situations

  • Impact of disasters on disabled persons
  • Special needs and care for disabled in disaster situations
  • Psychosocial support
  • Psychological First Aid in disaster management
  • Health and disability

  • Genetics and disability
  • Chronic illness and disability
  • Effectiveness of neuroscience education
  • Reproductive health and disability
  • Publications
  • Plagiarism
  • Awards
  • Downloads
  • Conf. Invitations
  • Visa Invitations
  • Author Guidelines
  • Committee
  • Membership
  • Organize
  • Instructions
  • Video Conferencing
  • Collaboration
  • Other Conferences
  • Call Me Back


  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)12th Oct, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration19th Oct, 2024
  • Conference Dates 03rd - Nov, 2024