Data Engineering

  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis
  • Data Models, Semantics, Query languages
  • Data Integration and Interoperability
  • Search and Information extraction
  • Data Privacy and Security
  • Multimodal Data Analysis
  • Data Classification and Regression
  • Deep learning for Big Data Analysis and Mining
  • Predictive Modeling and Analytics
  • Stream Data Processing
  • Big data Systems Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation
  • Data-driven Feature Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Advanced Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques
  • Workflows, Scientific Data Management
  • Internet of Things [IoT]

  • Big data and IoT Data Analytics
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence for IoT
  • Distributed Machine Learning for IoT
  • Industrial IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Semantic Computing Technologies and IoT
  • Quality of Data/Service/Experience
  • Intelligent IoT Networks & Communications
  • Control and Decision Making for Smart IoT
  • Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and IoT
  • Heterogeneous Networks and Web of Things
  • Software Defined Network (SDN) and IoT
  • Blockchain and Emerging Technologies for IoT
  • Smart Cities and Internet of Vehicles
  • Social Networks and Multimedia Computing
  • Security and Privacy for Intelligent IoT Models
  • Publications
  • Plagiarism
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  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)14th Oct, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration21st Oct, 2024
  • Conference Dates 05th - Nov, 2024