• Basic Plasma Phenomena
  • Computational Physics and Techniques
  • Space Plasmas
  • Partially Ionized Plasmas
  • Dusty and Strongly-Coupled Plasmas
  • Plasma Chemistry
  • Microwave Generation and Plasma Interactions

  • Intense Beam Microwave Generation
  • Fast-Wave Devices
  • Slow-Wave Devices
  • Vacuum Microelectronics and THz Devices
  • Codes and Modeling
  • Non-Fusion Microwave Systems
  • Microwave Plasma Interaction
  • Charged Particle Beams and Sources

  • Plasma, Ion, and Electron Sources
  • Intense Electron and Ion Beams
  • High Energy Density Plasmas and Applications

  • Fusion (Inertial, Magnetic and Alternate Concepts)
  • Particle Acceleration with Laser and Beams
  • Radiation Physics, X-Ray Lasers
  • High Energy Density Matter
  • Laser Produced Plasmas
  • Fast Z-Pinches
  • Plasma Material Interactions
  • Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Applications

  • Nonequilibrium Plasma Applications
  • High Pressure and Thermal Plasma Processing
  • Plasma Thrusters
  • Plasmas for Lighting, Displays, and Microdischarges
  • Environmental and Industrial Applications
  • Plasma Medicine and Biological Effects
  • Diagnostics

  • Microwave, FIR, Optical, and X-Ray Diagnostics
  • Particle Diagnostics
  • Pulsed Power Diagnostics
  • Pulsed Power and Other Plasma Applications

  • Insulation and Dielectric Breakdown
  • Opening and Closing Switches
  • Generators and Networks
  • Compact and Rep-Rated Pulsed Power
  • Publications
  • Plagiarism
  • Awards
  • Downloads
  • Conf. Invitations
  • Visa Invitations
  • Author Guidelines
  • Committee
  • Membership
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  • Instructions
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  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)30th Oct, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration06th Nov, 2024
  • Conference Dates 21st - Nov, 2024