• Nursing management
  • Workforce Planning
  • Innovations and Reforms in Nursing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Quality and Safety of Nursing Care
  • Nursing Outcome Study
  • Crisis and Risk Management Primary Care Nursing
  • Information Technology in Nursing
  • Nursing Ethics
  • Ageing and Geriatric Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Nursing leadership and management
  • Nursing service management
  • Managerial skills and roles
  • Health service organizational models
  • Organizational structure, characteristics, and principles
  • Formal organization structures
  • Team nursing
  • Primary nursing
  • Leadership and followership
  • Nursing practice and the law
  • Questions of value and ethics
  • Organizations, power, and empowerment
  • Problems and conflict management
  • Health quality and patient safety
  • Time management
  • Work-related stress and burnout
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  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)07th Nov, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration14th Nov, 2024
  • Conference Dates 29th - Nov, 2024