• Plant Biotechnology
  • Plant Biology and research
  • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Environment and Biosystems
  • Plant Molecular Biology
  • Agronomy and Agricultural Research
  • Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
  • Phytochemical Analysis
  • Microbiology and Phycology
  • Plant Pathology and Mycology
  • Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences
  • Plant Anatomy and Morphology
  • Plant Science: Antibodies, Antigens and Antibiotics
  • Plant Hormones and metabolites
  • Plant Genetics and Genomics
  • Plant Tissue Culture
  • Forest Science and Silviculture
  • Horticulture and Floriculture
  • Plants Entomology and Pest Management
  • Plant Diseases
  • Agriculture Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Agricultural Business and Economics
  • Agriculture Extension & Food Security
  • Agronomy and Crop Sciences
  • Agriculture and Environment
  • Agroforestry and Landscaping
  • Dairy, Poultry and Livestock Farming
  • Aquaculture and Apiculture
  • Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
  • Digital Agriculture
  • Irrigation and Water Management
  • Agriculture Education and Research
  • Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Organic Agriculture
  • Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Agriculture Production Systems
  • Olericulture and Pomology
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Plant Science and Botany
  • Plant Biology and Plant Sciences
  • Plant Physiology and Pathology
  • Plant Physiology and Plant Biochemistry
  • Plant Pathology and Weed science
  • Crop Production and Agribusiness
  • Agricultural science and agricultural biotechnology
  • Medicinal Plants
  • Plant Ecology and Agrodiversity
  • Plant Biotechnology and Tissue culture
  • Plant Genetics and molecular biology of plant
  • Phytochemicals
  • Mycology and Phycology
  • Taxonomy, physiology, genetics and breeding
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  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)30th Jul, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration06th Aug, 2024
  • Conference Dates 21st - Aug, 2024