• Comparative anatomy
  • Phenotyping
  • Necropsy and histology
  • Mammary gland
  • Skeletal system
  • Nose, sinus, pharynx, and larynx
  • Oral cavity and teeth
  • Salivary glands
  • Respiratory
  • Cardiovascular
  • Upper gastrointestinal tract
  • Lower gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver and gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Endocrine system
  • Urinary system
  • Female reproductive system
  • Male reproductive system
  • Hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
  • Nervous system
  • Special senses: eye
  • Special senses: ear
  • Skin and adnexa
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  • Paper Submission (Full Paper)08th Feb, 2024
  • Final Authors' Registration15th Feb, 2024
  • Conference Dates 01st - Mar, 2024